Monday 1 October 2012

THINKING POSITIVE! More Than Just "Happy Thoughts" live life happy ===>( rocky) qoutes ♥


More Than Just "Happy Thoughts"

In light of today’s escalating trials and pressures, is mere determination and “looking on the bright side of things” enough? Or is there more you need to know? You can truly live a happy, confident, much less stressful life—here is how!

War, terrorism, genocide, child abuse, rape, murder, hunger, racism, disease, drought, ethnic cleansing, depleted oceans, global warming, pollution, failing economy, unemployment, poverty—this is the world in which we now live. So much widespread suffering and tragedy abound, we often feel powerless and empty.
Add to these the difficulties most people experience in their personal lives: Marital or family problems, massive debt and ever-mounting pressures to keep up with societal expectations. These, and numerous concerns like them, often seem intractable, and paralyze many with fear and depression.
And then there are the day-to-day stresses—from getting the kids ready for school, dealing with your daily commute, to battling office politics—often squeezing out every ounce of joy, replacing it with bitterness and despair.
Is this the way life is supposed to be?
Though most people manage to go on, they find it difficult to stay focused on the positive. So, what is the solution? Is there a way to not just survive—but to thrive—in spite of the perceived problems and injustices in our lives and in the world around us?

“Don’t Worry, Be Happy”?

Many remember the popular song “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” Pick up a magazine, go to a bookstore, or turn on the television—what ever the medium, a host of varying ideas on “the power of positive thinking” come at us in all shades and colors.
But, do any of these much-touted schemes and opinions really work?
In spite of all the talk, books and articles promising “sure-fire” ways to be positive in an age of hopelessness, clinical depression has reached pandemic proportions. Most people still feel stressed out, unable to find peace of mind or lasting contentment.
Where can one find true relief?

More Than Positive Thinking

Many try to think “happy thoughts” or will themselves to be happy or positive, in spite of all the troubles they see around them or pressures they experience. This often leads people to avoid the news or anything that might be a “let down,” causing them to become the proverbial ostrich with its head in the sand.
Others give themselves over to risky behavior and habits such as alcohol and drug abuse. They live hard and play hard to distract themselves from the harsh realities of this human existence.
In the Western world, many feel insulated from the horror of what is happening beyond their cozy, tidy neighborhoods. They may feel bad for the less fortunate, and hope that everything will “work out” for them, but beyond this, they do not really like to think much about it.
Yet, some do turn to meditation, exercise or other physical stress-relief techniques to overcome negativity and pressures of life. These are psychological and largely ineffective ways to deal with the symptoms of problems—problems that are spiritual in nature. It is a vain attempt to treat the physical effects instead of recognizing and addressing the cause. @rocky choudhary.

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